
Showing posts from June, 2019

Your Western Sciences Midterms - and some photos from Scotland!

Hi there I hope you've been enjoying your loafing assignment - remember to post your experiences to your blog. And your Western Science Midterm Papers are due in class this week - either a hard copy or via email We had a blast in Scotland! And I will see you in class Take care Larry

June 17 - Biology - Cell Biology and Cancer

Blog assignments for this week: How sophisticated is our understanding of cancer? How does a TCM approach to cancer differ? Post a comment to a classmate's blog entry And here's an updated link to the article in class today -  Is America better at treating cancer than Europe? Check out the following links for next week: Rediscovering Biology HIV and AIDS Teaching About the Life and Health of Cells

Week Seven - Physics - Chaos Theory

Your Chaos Theory Blog Asignments Ordered Chaos - does this sound familiar? Fractals as patterns of complex systems Consciousness out of chaos? And your Midterm "Loafing" Diary!   Conduct one of these science experiments and write up your conclusions in your blog Some cool science experiments you can do with stuff you probably already have around the house...

Week Six - Chemistry - Avogadro and Stoichiometry

Our next Chemistry class will meet on July 3rd - enjoy your Take-Home Midterm! Our last three Chemistry meetings will be on July 3rd, 8th and 10th. Biochemistry will start on July 17th. And here are your Assignments for Avogadro and Molar Mass Test your understanding of hypotheses – try Avogadro's Hypothesis and report back on your findings What exactly is a mole? - try " What Is a Mole, Checking Out the Mole " And your chance to try out some cool experiments in the comfort of your own kitchen: Science Toys Learn how to make toys at home with common household materials, often in only a few minutes, that demonstrate fascinating scientific principles. Some examples:  a plastic hydrogen bomb (!), building a hydrogen fuel cell, simple heat engines, a film can cannon, a metal that melts in hot water, a Bernoulli levitation ball, the impossible kaleidoscope and much more. And here are a couple of ...

Week Six - Physics - Vibrations

1. Your Blog Assignments for this week:  Are all vibrations “good”?  Resonance in my world  Connections I can make between Energy and Qi?  Respond to each others blogs And check out the following links on Chaos Theory Ludwig von Bertalanffy Introduction to the Mandelbrot Set A guide for people with little math experience. What is a fractal? Order Out of Chaos -- Ilya Prigogine and Isabelle Stengers

June 10 - Biology - The Pattern of Life

Here are your Assignments for "The Pattern of Life" Your Blog Assignments: How would you distinguish between living and non-living systems “ If you live in a city, you may not be able to get to a forest easily, but taking off your shoes in the park and feeling the grass will help you de-stress .”( Getting back to nature: how forest bathing can make us feel better ) - what are your own experiences? And please keep up the blog dialog, and post a comment to a classmate's blog Check out the following links: Plant Cell Anatomy Virtual Cell Thinking Through: The Mind and the Mandala 

Week Five - The Chemistry of Color and Nutrition

Thank you all for approving our Make-Up Chemistry Class on Monday, July 8th from 1:00 - 3:00. We will be combining Chemistry topics for our next few weeks as we cover our Syllabus And your Chemistry of Color and Nutrition blog assignments: Explore the colors of foods in your own kitchen – report on your findings. Post a comment on one of our class discussions this afternoon Post a comment to a classmate’s blog Check out the following links:  Avogadro's Hypothesis What is a Mole, Checking Out the Mole Coalition to Ban Dihydrogen Monoxide

Week Five - Physics - Symmetery / Supersymmetry

Here are your blog assignments for this week:  My (a)symmetrical world  Just what does this CP violation really mean?  Post a comment to a classmate's blog And check out the following links on Vibrations: Acoustics and Vibration Animations Resonance and Standing Waves The Physics of Sound

June 3 - Biology - The Nature and Complexity of Life.

Blog Assignments for "The Nature and Complexity of Life": o Post your thoughts on our discussion of " 'I Am A Woman': Track Star Caster Semenya Continues Her Fight To Compete As A Female " o Comment on the “Gaia Theory” – is this now a commonly accepted theory? o Respond to one of your classmate’s blog entries And check out the following links: THE IMMUNE SYSTEM OUR SECOND BRAIN FRITJOF CAPRA The Game of Life Philosophy of biology > The nature of biological systems > Viewpoints on the nature of life